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Monday Morning by Anthony Carey

Monday Morning by Anthony Carey


Scorched coffee, instant coffee, gesso, acrylic on paper 

38 x 28 cm


This piece is about the initial feeling of Monday mornings having to start the week That initial sense of chaos, until you have that first cup of coffee. 
Completed using coffee, gesso and acrylic. With some of the darker tones made by scorching the coffee and paper with a chef’s torch. It has been finished with two coats of UV gloss varnish.

  • When I close my eyes it’s like I see a film reel, a really high-speed stop frame animation. Recalled memories of a life captured and mashed together. I’m confronted, maybe even assaulted with split second flashes of what look like strands of vivid colour. It’s a double-edge sword. There’s this moment, this impression of happiness then the deep sense of loss and absence kick in.

    I feel this pull towards a darkness like a world in shadow. It’s a pretty scary place to be but I suppose at the same time there’s a certain comfort as it’s familiar, I know what to expect, I don’t have to feel.

    When I paint the way I do with bright colours and texture I know they’re not an accurate recall but everything is heightened, and at times muddled/merged together, sometimes memories collide, and when I work with the paint, adhesives sand, whatever it is for textures, it’s quite a physical act. I get to reconstruct, I get to act out the gentlest of brushstrokes to very aggressive strokes, I’m not even sure if reconstruct is the right word, but the work, it’s something I can see and when it’s complete I can physically and emotionally touch it. That connection becomes something positive. 

    I suppose you could say a connection to the universe, perhaps even spiritual.
    I think it’s important to feed that emotion back out into the world.

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