Precarious Original by Milena Michalski
Lighting gels, acrylic
A reflection on man’s positive interaction with, and negative imposition on, nature in the contemporary world. Thinking about sunlight, moonlight, and artificial light; about plastic pollution of the oceans and the general impact of scientific research on the planet. And, about the shifting patterns of birdsong as a result of human action, and the joy of it (for now at least).
Milena Michalski is a visual artist, whose practice engages with place and perception, with light playing a key role in her work. She has exhibited, and been awarded artistic residencies, nationally and internationally. Her photographic work with alternative and analogue processes has been awarded 2021 Arts Council England funding, and support from London Creative Network/ERDF/Photofusion. Milena is AHRC Artist in Residence and a researcher at King’s College London.